“Three Key Dynamics Shaping Chemical Tanker Freight Markets” – SPI eBook.

The Three Key Dynamics The Shaping Chemical Tanker Freight Markets.

In our first monthly market report of the year back in January, we focused on the outlook for 2019 and concluded that market players should remain cautiously optimistic for the year ahead. But what are the key drivers that shapes these beliefs?




A first step is to review the following three main market dynamics that shape the chemical, lube oil and edible oil tanker freight markets.

  1. TRADELANE ACTIVITY, and the underlying trends in each trade lane
  2. COMMODITY MARKETS TRENDS, including bunker prices, product flows and price movements
  3. CHANGES IN ASSET MARKETS, with a focus on variances in vessel values, operational cost, time charter rates and demolition prices.

To get insights into the key drivers within these market dynamics download our free eBook here.

This eBook further details the content of our Monthly Chemical and Parcel Tanker Shipping Report, valuable for all persons interested in parcel tanker freight markets.

As 2019 is a year that will be tested by events on the world stage, it is key to gain access to a regular and complete overview of all factors influencing current shipping market developments.

SPI Marine prides itself on a team of shipping and logistics professionals, whose in-depth research methods provide our customers with a complete understanding of the regional and global freight markets; identifying and analysing the factors which determine long and short term trends.

Our Market Research and Analytical professionals use a range of research methods to determine long and short term trends. You can contact us here.